Whole30 First Timers Support - Tough Love

Welcome!!! We're glad you've decided to do Whole30! Please read and agree to the following on the Facebook group questionnaire. We follow the Rules, Recommendations and Spirit of Whole30, and so should your posts!
We are a strict Whole30 group -- we are not everyone's cup of tea, so please read the following so you know what is expected once approved.
-------- YES -------- ■ anything allowed during your 30 days which follow Rules **and** Recommendations **and** Spirit of Whole30 ■ share victories/struggles ■ W30 meals that follow Meal Template (or saying what you added to make it compliant) ■ Kitchen and/or cooking tips to make Whole30 life easier ■ NSVs (we love those) ■ progress pics focusing on NSVs ■ Day 31 results that include those wonderful NSVs! ■ recipe/meal planning/sanitizing recipes links ■ see correction as a positive--for your Best Whole30 ever! ■ hold yourself accountable to all of Whole30
-------- NO -------- ■ anything not allowed or not recommended during your 30 days (see below for Reintroduction items) YOUR POSTS: ■ telling others they don't need to follow all the Rules of Whole30 or that they don't need to restart if they broke a Rule. ■ modifications, shortcuts, or technically compliant only posts/comments (i.e., Larabars, smoothies, etc.) ■ Photos/posts/comments about non-compliant meals or items (these are triggers for others). Keep mentions generic (dairy, grains, legumes, alcohol, sweets, italian, mexican). ■ Meals/mini meals (snacks) that don't follow Meal Template (ok to state what you added to make it ok) ■ "Is this compliant" posts that do not indicate which ingredient(s) you are questioning ■ posting weight or measurements during Whole30; discussions or questions on how to lose weight or how much others have lost ■ Day 31 photos and sharing weight loss only (please include NSVs as the *primary* focus) ■ calorie counting, macro tracking posts ■ SWYPO items ■ photos of pages from published books (copyright issues) HOW WE COMMUNICATE: ■ discussing how others communicate (talk to an Admin if you have issues with someone) ■ being negative or taking correction personally ■ name calling (this gets you in immediate escort to the door) ■ META discussions (how the group is run); got suggestions? PM an Admin, we are wide open to suggestions OTHER STUFF: ■ sales (on-group or via PM) ■ promotion of other FB Groups/pages/blogs (Whole30/Paleo/Primal---put link in Promote file) ■ Reintro discussions on the main page (put those posts in the Reintroduction Discussion file comment area) ■ blocking Admins
GROUP LINKS: Reintroduction and Post-Whole30 Discussions should be posted as comments in the following file and not on the main page of the group (the main page is for during Whole30 discussions) https://www.facebook.com/groups/Whole30FirstTimersSupport/permalink/1041050042627544/ List of other Whole30/Paleo/Primal groups (including those dedicated to post/beyond Whole30) https://www.facebook.com/notes/whole-30-first-timers-support-group/admin-promote-your-whole30paleoprimal-self-groups-communities-blogs/820289724703578
Happy Whole30!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.